Löcherbach, Roger

Nov 14, 2018





Roger Löcherbach

The sculptures of Roger Löcherbach are always from one carved trunk.

He prefers to use oak, linden and fruit trees. From the growth habit of the trunk and the branch forks Löcherbach develops the attitude and gestures of his figures. The first processing is done with the chainsaw. Through the elaboration of hands and face, the sculptor creates the expression of a figure and its character – the moment in which the figure receives its unique aura. Now the editing is complete and he can entrust the figure to the room. “For me, man is the subject of my sculptural work. Wood as an organic, living material has a close relationship with humans for me. My characters are in movement, tension but also rest, in struggle, love or even being alone. These are sensations that everyone in life knows.”


1963 Born in Kirchen, Westerwald
1984-92 Studies arts and latin at the Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz and at the Arts Academy of Münster
1992 Exam in sculpture at Prof. Nierhoff at the Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz
1993-97 Teacher education and then teaching in Duisburg and Düsseldorf
since 1997 Active as a freelance artist


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